Når vi læser og genlæser Proust er det ikke så meget PÅ sporet af den tabte tid, vi genlæser, men virkeligheden, der omgiver os.
Læs blot Laure Murats ord herunder…

Laure Murat: “When I was 20, I finally read the Remembrance. And in doing so, I did not have the impression of rereading it, as if I had been fooled by these conversations which I had encountered before the book, but rather of rereading, in a new light, the reality surrounding me. Proust’s absolute superiority to an uncultivated and conceited social class made an unforgettable impression upon me, by revealing the most liberating of symbolic identifications, which proved to be true in all my rereadings: the people surrounding me didn’t exist; they were, stricto sensu, characters in Proust. And what finally convinced me of this was that they didn’t even realize it.”
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Dante in Italy, Cervantes in Spain, Shakespeare in England, Goethe in Germany—each is almost unanimously considered his country’s greatest writer. But what about France? The answer is not so clear.…